Miss July, I smoke > you gasp

Miss July, I smoke > you gasp
ft Miss July
All Media From “Facesitting-Paradise
79.4K 00:04:20 − 144 MB

Description: Miss July makes a smoking-break and uses for this her slave as her seat. He is on a stool, his head bent over the edge, so his throat is very exposed.... ready for to be sat on. She steps slowly over him and decends on his throat, he does the first gasps when he must support her weight with his windpipe. She encends the cigarette, smokes and uses his mouth for deposit the ash. Every time after throwing the ash in his mouth, she moves back on his throat, bending his head back and sit again full weight on the larynx. Occasionally she turns around, now placing her ass on the throat, and may be bending the throat harder. Miss July is slim and not heavy, but she can place her ass and crotch concentrated on the sensitive parts of the throat.

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