Miss Cedi Deluxe - Treating the Slave - Gagging, Rolling, Kicking and Punishing - FullHD 1080i

Miss Cedi Deluxe - Treating the Slave - Gagging, Rolling, Kicking and Punishing - FullHD 1080i
Alle Medien von “Shinywear - Everything Shiny
53.3K 00:04:57 − 115 MB

Beschreibung: Miss Cedi Deluxe starts to gag her misbehaving slave with a shiny silk scarf. She places it over his mouth, but fastly realizing, she needs some more silence. She grabs another big silk scarf from the bag and puts it into the slaves dirty mouth. Then she puts the other scarf back again over the mouth, silencing the slave even more. He got to roll over and over again on the floor, as she orders him to stop, she places the hood of the slaves jacket over his face, making it hard to breath for him, before she pulls off one of his socks and let her whip dance on the naked feet. At the end, she orders him to get back on his knees, but the looser can`t even do that. Miss Cedi is wearing a bright shiny blue Pamy Downcoat which is very puffy and warm. On her adorable feet, she`s wearing white overknee boots made of Leather, her legs are covered with a shiny black latex leggings. FullHD 1080i video - for your enjoyment                               

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