Mermaid in Captivity Chained to the Bed! Sensual Siren Loren Chance in Rope Bondage

Mermaid in Captivity Chained to the Bed! Sensual Siren Loren Chance in Rope Bondage
mit Jon Woods und Loren Chance
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Beschreibung: This is the sequel to Mermaid in Captivity Flirts with Fisherman, which is available in multiple formats at our Fetish Scene store. Chained to the Bed: Loren the Mermaid is still at the fisherman's house. He doesn't know what to do with her so he asks his friend for advice, then leaves in search of seaweed for his mermaid. Loren languishes in her bondage, accompanied by gentle mer-music. First she's spread on the bed, wrists roped to the headboard, with her fishtail chained to the other end. She's ungagged at this time. But later it becomes necessary to gag her (perhaps the fisherman was afraid of being mesmerized by her singing?) so she's tapegagged, seated on the edge of the bed in more ropes. Her fun, flippy fin is still enchained.Mermaid, mermaid fetish, mermaid fantasy, siren, fishgirl, mythical, mythical creatures, aliens and monsters, aliens & monsters, creature, sea creature, merpeople, merperson, merporn, mer-porn, sea siren, fin, fun, mono fin, monofin, mermaid tail, spandex, costumes, Halloween costume, spandex sheath, sheathed legs, leg sheath, spandex bondage, costume bondage, bondage, chains, chained, enchained, locked, locks, bedroom bondage, bedroom bound, chained to the bed, stuck, struggling, topless bondage, topless, bare breasts, gagged women, tape gag, tapegagged, tapegag, fantasy, fantasies, roleplay, role play, fairy tales.

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